Monday, April 25, 2011

Let's spread THE WORDS

Basically, there are 4 ways to spread kalimatullah in this entire world
1.     Ilmu

2.     Jihad
3.     Politik
4.     Tarbiyyah
However, we must follow keperluan semasa. Nowadays, we can see that our communities are going back to jahiliyyah. Many social cases that we can read through newspaper such as baby dumping, raping, killing, drug addicting, etc  that happen today…..Most of these problems also exist in jahiliyyah. The one reason why ALLAH utus NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. is to ‘utammima ma karimal akhlak’ which means to menyempurnakan akhlak . Nabi has shown his good akhlak and it has attracted people to convert into islam.
At first, nabi delivers islam by tarbiyyah( 12:108)….rumah arqam b abi arqam mnjadi tmpat perjumpaan nabi dan glgn manoriti islam pd waktu itu…d sini lah nabi membentuk akhlak mereka. Dgn didikan nabi, aqidah mereka menjadi strong and easy to receive any orders from nabi( actually from ALLAH)…on that time, ilmu, jihad and politics are not the suitable ways to deliver dakwah. Moralnya, kita perlu lakukan sesuatu ikut keperluan semasa.
Manusia terdiri dari 2 elements iaitu ruh dan turab(tanah)…..UTK tarbiyyah manusia, there is 3 factors that we need to consider
1.     Akal---------------------àilmu---------------------------------àfikrah(kefahaman)
2.     Kalbu(hati)-----------àzikrullah(ingat ALLAH)---------àiktikad( keyakinan)
3.     Jasad----------------àmakanan(energy) &riadah------àbuat amal
Semua anggota ini adalah hak ALLAH. We must use it to get mardhatillah( keredaan ALLAH).
After know the correct human body function, then kita akan lebih mudah untuk melaksanakan amanah ALLAH ke atas kita yakni  beribadah kpd NYA(51:56) dan menunaikan tggnjawb sbg khalifah(2:30)……apabila tggjwb ini d laksankan dgn amanah, maka ganjaran syurga akn menanti kita…….insyaALLAH…………..
TORIKADDAKWAH( jalan seruan)                                    

-pengenalan islam
-ada apa dgn islam
-kenapa islam agama yg di rEdai ALLAH

Peribadi muslim
-laksana amanah

Rohaniyah (sufi)& (askari)berdisiplin(such as tepati masa, ibadat berterusan and etc)
-Taat &patuh
-full commitment
Pengenalan sejarah kita bermula dr zaman nabi Muhammad, khalifah arrasyidin, bani umaiyyah,  abbasiyah, turki uthmaniyah
-daurah(mcm ceramah)
      Seru org lain

Antara cara menyeru ummah ialah
1.     Taaruf
2.     Bangkitkan keimanan
3.     Ibadah
4.     Islam menyeluruh
5.     Qadayat ummah (consider keadaan ummah)
6.     Dakwah
7.     Amal jamaie
IN process delivering the message from GOD, we might face this kind of people
1.     Yakin
2.     Mutaraddad (ragu2)
3.     Naf ie
4.     muntahaamal
In conclusion, we can see that tarbiyyah is d best way to spread kalimatullah in this world to achieve ustazhatul alam ‘world order’…nowadays, many people has been bombarded  by misconception of islam…in west media, islam is recognized as terrorist…moreover, many  muslim argue about something that is not important at all, selfish, etc-------- that can lead to perpecahan ummah


-.rashid.- said...

mabruk! :D tarbiyyah is the main key to spread and to strengthen islam and it is a system tht must be continued forever (although we are in the phase of takwin)
Hopes that He will always makes us thabat in this path. InsyaAllah
p/s : actually, it is a "Thoriquddakwah" :)

ibi_corp said...

mabruk alaik aidan